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The contribution of FESTU in the Russian Federation higher education

Golden medal 2008 – The “Golden Chariot” Award 2007 – European Quality Award 2007Golden medal 2008 – The “Golden Chariot” Award 2007 – European Quality Award 2007

Throughout its history FESTU contributes greatly to the developing of the Far Eastern region of Russia. The staff of the university six times won the industrial competition with other railway organizations of the Russian Federation.

In 2007 FESTU become one of the winner-universities by representing its innovation educational program, which was developed according to the national education project. In the frames of the project the Innovation Complex was established at the university. It has regionally distributed scientific and educational environment and technologies that make possible the quick response to the needs of the government, business and transport industry of the Far Eastern region of the Russian Federation.

FESTU has a great scientific and production potential, which can be used for salvation of engineering issues of any level and for developing technologies and equipment of the highest quality standards. The university is always in the Ministry's of Education and Science of the Russian Federation top list of technical universities.

FESTU has many awards for teaching qualified specialists and developing the scientific potential of the Russian Federation.

In 2007 FESTU was awarded with the "Golden Chariot", National Prize of Russian transport industry in the prestigious nomination "The Leader of Russian Science in the Field of Transport and Education". In the same year FESTU also was awarded with EUROPEAN QUALITY AWARD as the leader in the field of higher education.

In 2008 FESTU was awarded with the high level award – golden medal for "The Contribution in the Strengthening of Competitiveness of the Russian Federation" which is for those organizations that contributed greatly in the Russian economy and national prestige.

In 2011 FESTU was awarded with the golden medal, at the "Information Security" section of the Russian national conference "Infoforum (Informational Forum). The New Generation" as "The Best Institution of Education of the Year".