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International Activities

Network Projects and Cooperation With International Associations

Cooperation with the International Associations

Among the major advantages of cooperation with international associations the major benefit is that of including the university in international activities in the sphere of scientific and educational development.

Joining international associations contributes to the cooperation with new foreign partners and gives access to educational resources of member universities. It also allows FESTU to participate in all of the associations’ activities and to influence their activities in order to pursue its own interests at the level of working groups, and at the level of management of the University.

Today FESTU is a member of four international associations and consortiums:

1.  The International Association of Transport Universities of Asia-Pacific Countries (IASTU APC)

FESTU initiated the establishment of the International Association of   Transport Universities of Asia-Pacific Countries (IASTU APC), whose main purpose is to integrate science, technology and manufacture in the development of railway transport.

Nowadays, the Association includes 24 participants from 8 countries (China, Republic of Korea, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Australia, Ukraine and Mongolia).

It was resolved by the General Meeting of members of the Association (June 2015, Nanjing, China) to elect Professor Yuri Davydov (the Rector of FESTU) the IASTU APC   Vice-President.

The areas of IASTU APC cooperation vary: International Symposiums For Transport Universities in Europe and Asia, the Network University of Transport and Logistics of Asia-Pacific Countries, joint research and publication of the results of the research, professional internships, special short-term courses and projects.

2. The Association of Presidents of Transport Universities in the Russian Federation and China (APTU)

FESTU is a member of the Association of Presidents of Universities of Transport Universities in Russia and China, organized by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Transport of the two countries. The first forum of the APTU was held in May 2014 on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Transport University. The second forum was held in 2015 on the basis of Beijing Transport University.

3. The Association for Russian (Far East, Siberia) and China (North-East Provinces) Universities (ARCU)

 The decision of establishment of the Association was coordinated and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Ministry of Education of China.

The Association pursues the goal to expand the forms of cooperation and integration in the sphere of science, education and culture. It also includes the experience exchange, coordination and collaboration in the field of educational-methodological and scientific-research field of universities in Siberia and the Far East and Northeastern provinces of China; and promoting student academic exchange as well as teacher exchange.

The Pacific State University became the founder on the Russian side, and on the Chinese side - Northeast Agricultural University (Harbin).

4. The Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities (RKCTU)

In September 2015 FESTU became a member of RKCTU, which includes 26 leading technical universities in Russia and Kyrgyzstan.