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First Chinese Graduates of The Institute of Power Engineering Achieve Their Master Degrees

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They are the first Chinese students of the Institute of Power Engineering who achieved a Master degree. 5 graduates of Shandong Transport University (Jinan, China) arrived in Khabarovsk and entered the FESTU in 2018. The major they chose was “Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering”.

Read more: First Chinese Graduates of The Institute of Power Engineering Achieve Their Master Degrees

Online Graduation In The Universities of the Russian Ministry of Transport

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July 10 is the online graduation day for all transport universities of the country. 17 universities will unite in a festive broadcast on YouTube. The graduates will hear the greetings from the Russian Minister of Transport Evgeny Dietrich and the leaders of key transport departments. The rectors and creative teams of each university, as well as their outstanding compatriots, will join in the congratulations. Do not miss this once-in-a-lifetime event! Watch the preview video here: https://yadi.sk/i/8LBFzui6dmB44w

FESTU Is the 2nd Best Among the Russian Transport Universities According to ARES Ranking

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Academic Ranking of World Universities - European Standard (ARES) was established in 2013. In 2020 the number of participants has increased significantly in comparison to the last year.

Read more: FESTU Is the 2nd Best Among the Russian Transport Universities According to ARES Ranking

May Issue of the "Express" Newspaper Is Available For Downloading

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Download and read the May issue of the FESTU monthly newspaper.

Read in this issue:

- 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory!

- FESTU: the fiery roads to Victory.

Read more: May Issue of the "Express" Newspaper Is Available For Downloading

FESTU students present their songs to veterans on V-Day

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This year's Victory Day will be unusual: no military parades, no concerts, no cheerful crowds at the streets.

Though the need to stay home reduces the level of social activity, it does not make this glorious day any less important. Online events are taking place all over the country, and FESTU is pleased to contribute to this forcedly unusual celebration.

Read more: FESTU students present their songs to veterans on V-Day

"Memory is Stronger Than Time" project is online now!

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We welcome everyone to join the project and tell your story about the heroes of your families. Send a photo of your ancestor and your photo with a short story to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . “Memory is stronger than time” is a part of “Immortal Regiment” social movement.

Learn more on #moydvgups: http://moydvgups.ru/victory.html.

Follow FESTU on social media

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During the distance studying, life in FESTU still goes on. Though most of the "live" events are cancelled because of COVID-19 spreading, virtual events and distance studying process in all educational structures of University are not affected.

Read more: Follow FESTU on social media