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Science, Research & Innovation

International science conference

Russian Federation Federal Agency for Railway Transport

The Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure

Far Eastern State Transport University (Russia)

Far Eastern Railways – branch of “Russian Railways”, OJSC

“Far Eastern research and development institute for transport construction” (“Dalgiprotrans”), JSC

Khabarovsk design and research institute “Dalzheldorproyect” – branch of “Roszheldorproyect”, JSC

“Far Eastern naval research and development, design and technology institute” (DNIIMF), OJSC



International science conference


(September 29-30, 2016, Khabarovsk, Russia)






  We are pleased to invite you to a science conference that will be held on September, 29-30 in Khabarovsk.

The goal of the Conference: sharing experience in development, design, construction and operation of transport infrastructure; design and use of modern equipment, techniques and software; automation and informatization of transport sphere; development of international communication.  The key topic of the Conference is the “Development issues of transport infrastructure of the Russian Far East and Asia-Pacific countries.

You have an opportunity to publish your research in the collected papers of the Conference. Your research should be of essential scientific value, original and not have previous publication history.

One author can publish up to 3 papers. Organizing Committee has a right to decline publication of the papers sent after the deadline or not meeting the publication requirements.

After the Conference selected articles will be recommended for publication in the special issues of internationally acclaimed magazines.



  •      Current condition and development prospects of transport network at the Russian Far East and Asia-Pacific Region
  •      The 100th Anniversary of Amur Railway Bridge: past and present
  •      Construction prospects of the “Selikhin – Nysh” railway line (through the Nevelskoy straight)
  •      Development of international transport corridors
  •      Transport infrastructure facilities: development, design and construction
  •      Geotechnical issues of construction in the areas of severe natural conditions
  •      Traffic modeling and planning
  •      Modern information and telecommunication technologies for transportation
  •      Text file format: .doc, .docx, .rtf
  •      Format – A4; Orientation – Portrait; Font – Times New Roman; Line space – ordinary. Number of pages – up to 15 full pages (no page numbers).
  •      Margins: upper – 2,5 см; down – 3,0 см; left, right – 2,0 см;  footer (down) – 2,3 см.
  •      UDC: Font size – 14, left alignment (then 1 space);
  •      Author’s (authors’) information: font size 14, left alignment, no hyphenation, no dots in the end of a line; family name, then first name and middle name – just initials: bold type – Smith J.J. (2 lines if more than 3 authors), then 1 space. Full name of university (organization), city, country, then 1 space.
  •      Paper title: font size 14, left alignment, upper case bold characters (then 2 spaces);
  •      Summary: font size 12, justify alignment (then 1 space);
  •      Key words: font size 12, justify alignment (then 1 space).
  •         Justify alignment;
  •         Paragraph – 0,75cm;
  •         Font size – 14;
  •         Hyphenation – automatic;
  •        All graphic objects should be MS Word, Excel editable, not a just an inserted pictures.
  •        Pictures – black-and-white;
  •        References – font size 12, justify alignment, bold type characters. 



Co-chairmen of the Program Committee:

Sinkin, Aleksandr – Director, Far Eastern branch department of the Russian Federal Agency for Railway Transport

Vinokurov, Semyon – The Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure

Davydov, Iurii – Doc. Of Eng., professor, Rector of FESTU (Russia)

Maklygin, Nikolai – Director, Far Eastern Railways – branch of “Russian Railways”, OJSC

Lobov, Alexey – CEO, “Dalgiprotrans”, JSC

Tertiukhov, Ivan – Director of “Dalzherdorproyect”

Semenikhin, Yaroslav – Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor, member of the Russian Academy for Transport, Doctor of Transport, CEO of “DNIIMF”, OJSC


Vice-chairmen of the Program Committee

Antonov, Sergey – Vice-director, Far Eastern branch department of the Russian Federal Agency for Railway Transport

Kudryavtsev, Sergey – Doc. Of Eng., professor, Vice-rector for science, FESTU (Russia)

Ryabov, Sergey – Chief engineer, Far Eastern Railways – branch of “Russian Railways”, OJSC

Voronin, Vladimir – Deputy CEO for production, “Dalgiprotrans”, JSC

Polozhaev, Dmitrii – Deputy Director for production “Dalzheldorproyect”

Novoseltsev, Evgeny – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate professor, Deputy CEO for research and development, “DNIIMF”, OJSC


Shwartsfeld, Vyacheslav – Doc. Of Eng., professor, FESTU (Russia)

Executive organizers:

Yedigaryan, Arkady – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate professor, FESTU (Russia);

Anisimov, Vladimir – Doc. Of Eng., professor, FESTU (Russia);

Stoyanovich, Gennady – Doc. Of Eng., professor, FESTU (Russia);

Khan, Svetlana – FESTU Department for International and Public Relations, Director (Russia)

Bokach, Gennady – Director of Technology Policy Office, Far Eastern Railways – branch of “Russian Railways”, OJSC

International Program Committee:

Shwartsfeld, Vyacheslav – Doc. Of Eng., professor, FESTU (Russia);

Anisimov, Vladimir – Doc. Of Eng., professor, FESTU (Russia);

Stoyanovich, Gennady – Doc. Of Eng., professor, FESTU (Russia);

Akkerman, Gennady – Doc. Of Eng., professor, Urals State Transport University (Russia);

Blagorazumov, Igor – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate professor, Zabaikalsky Institute of Railway Engineers (Russia);

Bushuyev, Nikolai – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, professor, Saint Petersburg State Transport University (Russia);

Bykov, Iurii – Doc. Of Eng., professor, Moscow State Transport University (Russia);

Goncharuk, Sergey – Doc. Of Eng., professor, FESTU (Russia)

Isakov, Aleksandr – Doc. Of Eng., professor, Siberia State Transport University (Russia);

Podverbny, Vyacheslav – Doc. Of Eng., professor, Irkutsk State Transport University (Russia);

Revyakin, Alexey – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, professor, Rostov State Transport University (Russia);

Skutin, Aleksandr – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate professor, Urals State Transport University (Russia);

Shkurnikov, Sergey – Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate professor, Saint Petersburg State Transport University (Russia);

Senior Lecturer Faculty of Engineering Holon Institute of Technology, Holon (Israel)

Dr P. Kroča – Director, Research and Innovation, OLTIS Group (Czech Republic)

Vlasenko, Viktor – professor, Dept. of Technology, University of Opole (Poland)

Jin, Jang-Won – PhD, professor of Korea National University of Transport (Republic of Korea).

CONFERENCE VENUE: Khabarovsk, Russia



The articles provided for publishing must be of original research with no previous publications, which is related to one or several topics of the conference. All provided materials are checked by the Program Committee for quality, originality and science suitability. Electronic version of an article should be submitted before the deadline. An article should meet the requirements (see below).



Paper headline:

Body Text

NOTE: Collected Papers will get a registration in RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) base.




Publication of one paper in the collected papers of the conference – 600 rubles.

Personal participation + publishing of one paper in the collected papers – 1200 rubles.



Payment receiver

УФК по Хабаровскому краю (ДВГУПС ЛКС 20226У21130)

Account number



Khabarovsk office, Khabarovsk

Bank identification number


Purpose of payment

КБК 00000000000000000130 (research activities)

VAT identification number (Tax identification number)

2724018158/КПП 272401001


FESTU, 47, Seryshev Street, Khabarovsk, 680021, Russia




УФК по Хабаровскому краю (ДВГУПС ЛКС 20226У21130)

Расчетный счет


Наименование банка

Отделение Хабаровск г. Хабаровск



Назначение платежа

КБК 00000000000000000130 (научно-исследовательская деятельность)


2724018158/КПП 272401001

Юридический адрес

680021, г. Хабаровск, ул. Серышева, дом.47, ДВГУПС

NOTE: You must get a payment receipt to confirm your payment!



Applications for participation and papers should be submitted before June 20, 2016 

Conference opens on September 29, 2016


Application for participation

To the Organizing Committee of the International science conference


I intend to participate in the conference and make a report

Name (full) __________________________________________________________

Position, degree, title___________________________________________________

Place of work _________________________________________________________

Topic of the conference_________________________________________________

Report title___________________________________________________________

Are you going to participate in the conference personally? YES/NO

Do you want us to book a room in a hotel for you? YES/NO

Postal address (for delivery of collected papers) ______________________________

Tel: _________________________________________________________________

Fax: ________________________________________________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________________________________

NOTE: Application and receipt should be scanned and submitted via e-mail or fax


Yedigaryan, Arkady

Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU)

Address: 47, Seryshev Street, Khabarovsk, 680021, Russia

Tel: +7 914 546 9759, +7 (4212) 407-506

Fax: +7 (4212) 407-410

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Shwartsfeld, Vyacheslav

Far Eastern State Transport University (FESTU)

Address: 47, Seryshev Street, Khabarovsk, 680021, Russia

Tel: +7 914 541 5320, +7 (4212) 407-063

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.